Tournament Name
3rd Annual KTES PTO Golf4Knights Tournament & Silent Auction
The date and Tee off time for the tournament
05/03/2024 9:00 AM
Tournament Format
Shotgun start
How many registered player do you expect?
Launcher to be used
1 long Range Air Cannon (par 4 or 5)
Golf Course Address (hover over and select your state)
Tega Cay
15083 Molokai Dr
Tega Cay, SC 29708
This agreement is made on 04/10/2024
between Charity Golf Guns LLC. and
Joel Herman
Point of Contact Email
Point of Contact Phone# (day of event)
(704) 281-5854
I understand I WILL HAVE to provide a golf cart for the representative for their use for the duration of the event. (insurance requirement)
YES, We will provide a cart.